The Palaszczuk Government has committed to spending $11 million in capital works funding over two years to establish Domestic and Family Violence Courts in Beenleigh. Attorney-General and Minister for...
Legislation has been passed to amend the the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 in relation to a person’s criminal history. The amendments allow domestic violence notations to be administratively...
Here are the top 6 Common Mistakes made by Respondents to DVO Proceedings:- Assuming DVO proceedings are not a big deal. DVO proceedings can have far reaching implications on a respondent’s life. A ...
A Voluntary Intervention Order (or an “Intervention Order” as it soon will be known) is an order that can be made by the Court requiring a Respondent to attend an approved ...
There are significant changes to the Bail Act 1980 and Corrective Services Act 2006 are important to obtaining bail in domestic violence cases. Generally, Queensland law provides its citizen...
Respondents should be aware that last night, the Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 was passed by the Queensland Parliament with amendment. The curr...
It is not uncommon for a Respondent to hold a weapons licence and have weapons and/or ammunition stored in accordance with that weapons licence. The Respondent may need that licence because they...
The Criminal Law (Domestic Violence) Amendment Act (No. 2) 2015 will introduce a new criminal offence into the Criminal Code. A person will offend the new section where they, unlawfully...
If its a private application, an applicant can withdraw an application before the court has made its decision or the applicant makes a written application to withdraw to the court. However,&...
At the outset, you should understand that you cannot claim your costs if you don’t have legal representation. If you do have a lawyer you may be able to claim your costs. The general rule is tha...